Tuesday, November 15, 2011

Mrs. Clean Logo

Mrs. Clean Logo

Above you see the logo that I created using Photoshop and creativity to represent my mom's cleaning business.  I feel like this logo communicates its purpose well.  I think this because I included cleaning supplies such as; a vacuum within the letter “A”, a spray bottle to represent the letter “R”, and a broom to represent the letter “l”.  In my opinion this logo does a great job of representing what Mrs. Clean is about and what the company does, which is cleaning. 

I used shades of blue in my logo because of the bubbles.  I also chose shades of blue because when I think of clean, I always think of the color blue.  To create this logo, I used a few of the elements of design and some of the tools in Photoshop.  For example, I used the element “line” to make a straight line on the letter “A”.  I also used the shapes tool.  I used the circles to make all of the bubbles and the rectangle to make the broom stick.  I also used the element called “white space” to make the logo itself stand out against its background.  Lastly, I used the text tool.

Overall, I enjoyed doing this project and getting to use my creativity although it was stressful at times.  I feel like my logo looked much better on my rough draft because it was on paper.  The thing I found most difficult was drawing on the computer.  The thing I found the easiest was using the shape tool to form all of the bubbles. 

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