Thursday, October 27, 2011

Perfect Body Image

Before Pic
After Pic
Above, you see my before and after pictures that I transformed using Photoshop.  I got the picture of Megan Fox’s body that I pasted my edited face on from this link.  I did this for a class project to demonstrate how easily a person can be completely transformed and be “perfected”.  As you can see, the after picture does not look much like the before picture.  This shows how anyone can be transformed and look like a model with Photoshop. 

Overall, I think the transformation of my picture looks realistic except for certain parts of the skin because of the differenciaton of Megan Fox’s skin color and mine.  Doing this has really showed me how easy it is to completely change a person’s profile.  Now, when I look through magazines or other advertisements I will wonder if that is really what that person looked like when that picture was taken or how much other photos of events have been photoshopped within magazines.  I think today’s view of the perfect body image is wrong.  This view makes many girls feel severly insecure and have a need to always be perfect.  I believe that changing people’s original facial features is not needed to make someone beautiful and I believe that our society today should believe more in natural beauty. 
On the whole project, I feel like I did a good job for my first time attempting to create a perfect model image from a simple picture of me.  I think I did a really good job on my lips when I used the liquify tool to transform them and also on removing my blemishes.  I feel like I got rid of all of my blemishes and freckles.  Something I could improve on or could’ve spent more time on is deffinately trying to match my skin with the model’s after I pasted my edited face onto her’s.  I think this is what I need to work on most because there are parts of her skin that do not fully match mine; for example on the forehead in the after picture. 
In conclusion, I thought this was an interesting, fun, and creative project.  Overall, I enjoyed it but it was stressful at times because it was very difficult to get a good color for your eyeshadow and to try to match my skin with Megan Fox’s.  This project helped me learn a lot more about Photoshop and helped me become more comfortable with it as well. 

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Collage Depicting a Day in the Life of a Mercy Student

The collage below depicts the day in the life of a Mercy Academy student.  Before creating this collage, I learned how to use several tools in Photoshop and how to use the elements of photography to create a more intriguing photograph.  I used quite a few different tools in editing the photos in my collage.  In the bottom right, I used the black/white tool.  A few of the other tools that I used in Photoshop were the hue/saturation adjustments, the exposure adjustments, the curve adjustments, and the levels adjustments.  I used these adjustments to enhance the colors in the picture and to make the corners of the photo either darker or lighter.   I also used a tool called lens correction to move the angle that the lens was focused on to actually hide a blurry spot in the photo.  I used the dodge tool, the lasso tool, and the magic wand tool as well.  I also cropped and resized my photos.  One element of photography that I used that I had learned in class was simplicity in the picture of the girl vacuuming a class room.  The tutorials on the tools in Photoshop and what I learned in class helped me compose this collage project.