Sunday, September 25, 2011

Examples of Photography Elements

Below are three examples of three different elements of photography.  The three elements that I am demonstrating in this blog are; simplicity, avoiding mergers, and pictures in motion.  In order to take good photographs, you need to follow the elements and rules of photography.  Here is a PowerPoint  where you can find other examples of photography elements and tips for photography.

In this photograph, I am depicting the element simplicity.  This photograph is very simple and not complex.  It simply demonstrates a single leaf in water. 

In the above photo, there is an example of the photograph element called avoiding mergers.  Avoiding mergers is basically the same thing as avoiding cutting off someone’s body part in a picture.  In the photograph, my little brother’s arm and face got cutoff half way.  This is something you need to avoid in the art of photography. 

In the photo above, the rule/tip for pictures in motion is demonstrated.   The rule for this element is; if the object you are capturing is in motion, allow there to be space in the photograph in front of the object that is performing the motion.  In the photo above, I took a picture while my brother was riding his bike through our yard. 

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Piracy Podcast and My Thoughts on Copyright Law

Alex Forst's School Picture
My group and I have created a Piracy Podcast. The graphic we used was original work so it is fair use, although, we did use the website Picnik to edit the graphic.  The music we used in our piracy podcast was a country tone from Garage Band that is allowed to be used on a Podcast created in Garage Band.  I believe that downloading music is not wrong as long as you follow all of the Copyright laws, legally download and purchase the music from a store such as iTunes, and give the artist credit for their work.  I think Copyright laws should and need to exist because artists and everyone else in the music industry need to get credit and money for their hard work, although, there shouldn't be as many detailed laws about copyright/piracy as there is today because people get confused about what they can and cannot do.  Many people do not even know or realize that what they are doing is illegal or copyright infringement and they are not aware of the serious consequences.  Piracy is so prevalent or common in today’s society because of the economy and because of people thinking they will never get caught.  Legally downloading all of your music can get expensive, so therefore many people choose to take the risk of illegally downloading music or other media.  Even though people get caught illegally downloading music every day, several people still strongly believe that they will not get caught if they illegally download music because almost everyone does it, so they do it anyway.  I see where the artists are coming from in their part of the argument.  I understand why they get upset when people do not give them credit for their work or when they don’t earn all of the money that they could if copyright infringement didn’t exist, but, if someone used my graphic or podcast without my permission, it wouldn’t really bother me as long as they gave me credit for it.  As far as the graphics go, as long as it's not a personal photo, I wouldn’t care too much.  In conclusion, there are serious consequences if you get caught committing piracy or copyright infringement and that it hurts the artist, songwriters, producers, etc. as well.