Today's world uses computers and other technology for many differents things in their life. They use technology at work, at home, and at school. You use it in the kitchen to cook, in your room to listen to music, watch Tv, straighten/blowdry/curl your hair, etc. We use it so much in our daily routines that we forget how fortunate we are to have the amazing advancements in technology that we do today.
I think computers and other technology are very useful tools for several things such as; organizing, studying, research, entertainment, socializing, learning/education, and communicating. People may use computers or other technology such as personal organizers, phones, or applications to help them stay or become organized whether its for work, school, or personal use. With these items you can create spreadsheets, lists, folders, powerpoints, documents, calender reminders, notepads, etc.
My personal experiences with computers and other technology at home are difficult at times, but mostly easy and simple. I use computers on a daily basis for many things for my personal use. I mainly use my computer for socializing/communicating, entertainment, and studying/researching for school projects or homework. I get on Facebook daily and have notifications sent to my phone via text message. I am also an Itunes member and use Youtube to watch videos.
In school, I have a little more difficulty with computers/technology because I usually only have a specific amount of time to do something which usually seems to always cause more problems like freezing, browser loading problems, login problems, etc. It also makes it more difficult in school to use computers because I do not own the computer so it makes me feel more uncomfortable with the technology. I have had past experiences where my teachers have lost emails or documents saved onto computers at school, and times when the teacher didn't recieve the email in time because of technical difficulties and I got penalized for the tardiness. I enjoy using computers more for personal use at home more than at school even though they can be very helpful in both places.
In the future, I see people using technology more than we already do. I see the world depending on the use and tools of technology more in the future because of bigger expanisons in technology. Schools will probably switch to using computers and other technology for everything such as; homework, bookwork, notes, etc. I think all of our school books will be online rather than an actual textbook in the future. I believe that more things in our households will be controlled by computers as well like; refridgerators, AC, microwaves, stoves, TVs, etc. I think work offices will use less paper and more technology. The prices for everything technology wised will most likely be raised rapidly because of the advances in technology. Our future will most likely be smarter, more educational, more expensive, and more advanced in technology and computers.
Overall, we have amazing technology and we are just going to continue to expand our technology and continuing making advancements. No one knows what the future will hold, but it will most likely have a lot to do with technology and computers because this is already a big part of the world today.